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July 22, 2024

Islamabad to Murree Distance - Each and Every Point Covered

So you have finally decided to beat the Islamabad heat with the chill breeze of Murree. Why not? Murree is one of the beautiful hill stations popular for family visits and fun.

The distance from Islamabad to Murree isn't too much as you'll be on the spot in a couple of hours at most. You can make this trip even more memorable when you have a proper guide like this one. So let’s jump to what the Islamabad to Murree distance looks like.

Distance from Islamabad to Murree

Here’s Islamabad to Murree distance by road:

Here’s Islamabad to Murree distance by road:

  • Total Murree to Islamabad distance is 64.2 Km as per Google Maps.
  • The Average time to reach there is 1 hour and 24 mins by car.

Here’s Islamabad to Murree distance via expressway:

There’s also a quick route to Murree from Islamabad known as the Murree Expressway.

  • The total distance from Islamabad to Murree via Expressway is 90 km.
  • The total time it takes is 60 minutes on a car

Different Travelling Options

To cover the Islamabad to Murree distance, here are different travelling options with expected fairs that you can consider:

Travelling Option

Expected Fare

Daewoo Express

600 to 700 Rupees

Indrive or Uber Service 

4000 to 6000 Rupees

Booking a Private Car 

7000 to 10,000 Rupees

Before You Start Your Tour

We know you are very excited about the trip, but before you hit Murree's track make sure to check that:

Tires are Properly Inflated

You won't spoil the joy of your beautifully planned trip with a flat tire, will you? So, you should check them out at the nearest gas station before knowing the Islamabad to Murree distance.

Car Has Enough Fuel

Murree is an uphill journey so your car will burn more petrol than it usually does in Islamabad. Although some gas stations are on the way, it's better to fuel up your car properly before beginning the trip.

You Have Packed Everything

It's very common to forget about a thing or two when packing for such a trip which can spoil the party at the end. Hence it's better to make a checklist of things you need to carry for the trip.

The Place to Stay is Already Checked!

As per the research, travellers who don’t book stay spots in advance, end up paying more at the last moment. We don’t want to go through this, so sharing a rising costliest place to live according to Google business profile reviews. Try getting in touch with Fiora Hotel and the staff will make your 80% trip planned in a snap.

Islamabad to Murree Distance

Let's suppose you are travelling to Murree from I8 Markaz, Islamabad which is a sector very near to Faizabad.

The total distance as per Google Maps is 64 km and the estimated time to reach is 1 hour and 41 mins.

Your First Short Stay

From I 8 Markaz, you'll take the Srinagar Highway and then turn left to the Bhara Kahu Bypass Road. Barakahu is also a connected place to Islamabad that gives the vibe of a mini hill station. You can pick some snacks there or stay for tea in one of the Quetta Hotels for refreshments. Also, if you want to try some good foods in Barakahu, go for ‘Baojee’ for a good pulao.

Anyways let's move away from Barakahu and know more about the Islamabad to Murree distance. 

The Only Way is Up

As you start moving away from Barakahu, you'll see several restaurants and refreshments spots along with clinics and more. Driving for 20 or 30 minutes will take you to a good tea spot. Another 10 to 15 mins drive will make you pass Chattar Park which has been a great amusement spot for years now. You can take a short rest there and take part in some recreational activities as well.

While you are travelling up, you'll see the beautiful view of the Korang River at some spots so make sure that your camera is ready for some cool snaps.

Your first Step into Murree

Another 15 minutes drive from Chattar Park will take you to Manga and here you can say that you have landed in the Murree Kingdom. Shortly after that, you'll pass through the beautiful Korang valley which itself is a beautiful destination that you can spend some time in. Right after that, you will pass through Shaheen Heights which is a great place for staying at night.

Towards Khajut

Once you step in Khajut, you could say you are in Murree. But our destination is to visit the mall road of Murree so we keep on driving. You'll see a great number of beautiful restaurants and cafes you can stay in.

On the Musiari Link Road

Passing through all these hotels and cafes, you'll be on the Musiari link road which means you'll be closer to your destination now and feeling all the good vibes of a hill station. Since this is near to the mall road, you can also choose to stay at a hotel here.

Jhika Gali Road

Soon after the Musiari Link road ends, you'll be on the lower Jhika Gali Road and the cold breeze will welcome you to Murree. Within a 5-minute drive, you'll get on the upper Jhika Gali Road and very near to your Destination.

The Mall Road

As you enter Mall Road, you'll see it's crowded by numerous people taking a stroll and shopping. You can now search through different hotels to find a perfect option. Fiora Hotel is one of them and it is a tourist favourite as well for the views, food, and comfort.

Whatever hotel you book must check their images and videos like Fiora hotel Murree gallery has each and every detail mentioned. After that you would be able to finalise the place.

Plus, its luxury is unmatched when it comes to five-star hotels in Murree. So you have now finally reached your destination. Let’s now take a quick look at what you can do on the Mall road.

Things You Should Do Once You Reach The Mall Road

As soon as you are on Mall Road Murree, you'll have a lot of things to do like go for a stroll or shopping. Above everything, these are the three most important things you can do when you land on the mall road:

  1. Look for a good hotel or guest house to stay in. Fiora is a great option when it comes to luxury, views, and food.
  2. Drop your luggage in the hotel and come out for a walk and tea to refresh your mind after a tiring 2 hours of travel.
  3. Take a stroll at the beautiful Mall Road and enjoy the perfect architecture to get comfortable with Murree's environment.

How We Can Help You?

When you travelled this much to reach Murree, then do not compromise on your stay spot. Our Fiora’s luxurious rooms and suites are there to make you a part of this mesmerising place. You won’t feel like an outsider when you are staying in Murree under the courteous hospitality of our trained staff. We will not only provide you with a complete guide but later on you can customise our services to make your visit unforgettable.

Plan Your Trip with Free Mind

Hopefully, you have a great time reading and knowing the detailed guide on Islamabad to Murree distance. We have tried to take care of little details on this beautiful journey.

The distance between Islamabad and Murree is 64.2 km and the estimated time for reaching there by car is 1 hour and 24 mins. Have a safe trip!